Special Olympics Pennsylvania Bucks County always seeks individuals dedicated to inspiring others. Our volunteer coaches come from a variety of different backgrounds, but all are committed to the goals of the Special Olympics. Read our mission statement, find out more about the different sports available through the Special Olympics of Bucks County, and contact us for more information on our organization, registration, or for the specifics on our coaching assignments.
Would you like to become a volunteer or a coach?
For individuals interested in becoming a new Class A or Class B volunteer.
For currently registered Class A volunteers that need background checks (18 years or older only).
Current Volunteer Background Checks
Consider Unified Sports
Special Olympics Unified Sports® creates an opportunity for people without intellectual disabilities to join in the sports experience by playing on a team with athletes with intellectual disabilities. Not only do the players all have fun, but attitude change and transformation happens on the playing field and the experiences create lifelong friendships. Click here for more information.
Contact Tom McNeill at vctom79@verizon.net for questions about volunteering at a training site or competition.
Contact Cindy Walther at cindyw828@aol.com to learn more about becoming a certified coach.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer or coach and your desire to make a difference in the lives of our athletes.